A Summer Meadow

Imagine yourself vacationing in the countryside. You, resting in a  wooden cottage and surrounded by all things natural. In the mornings or late afternoons, when you lounge about and  gaze out of a teak window in a distance at the high peaked mountains, you find serenity. And while your eyes turn away from the mountains, your sight travels through a span of naturally occurring grass and  untouched flora. ‘C’est magnifique’ is what your heart says. This is the lush green meadow. Unattended, yet pretty.

Throughout my four years of academic education at the design school in Delhi, I had been a Print person. Meaning, I loved Print development sessions more than Textile art classes. And during my design internship with More Design Studio in Delhi, my first assignment was to come up with an idea to stylize one of their existing products. I was expected to give a new look to their fabric art inspired cushion cover for the summer collection. There are times in one’s life when something unexpected happens one has to deal with it. This was one such a moment. For months I was dreaming about this internship as how I would go crazy with print development and make breakthrough discoveries in the field of print design. Now, I was romancing textile art. “Fabric structures and me?”- I wondered. But then It was a challenge and I accepted it.

After few days of extensive thinking and reading textile art archives, my brain struck a string and shot an idea. I drew my inspiration from the randomly growing wild petal flowers of the countryside and began my experiments with voile. And before the sampling was approved, I went a step ahead to the final product. To my surprise, my employers liked it. (Yay!) They named my design as ‘Meadow’. By the end of my internship, Meadow had become a star with repeat orders to its name. Remember the story I had started my post with. Its all to do with this incident in my life. 🙂 You can say, Meadow is one of my tough earned achievements in Fabric manipulation and surface design. I could finally relax like  a countryside vacationer after this. Phew!
Challenges or to say surprises are good to have. You learn to work out of your comfort zone and many a times they lead to rewarding results. 🙂





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